Cicero and Caesar

Cicero and Caesar

Friday 8 April 2011

A Warm Welcome

Salutations, and welcome to The Orator and the Emperor, a blog that merely consists of commentary of stuff that happens on an everyday basis, as well as things that may have happened in an alternate reality that are far more interesting.

Basically we are trying to rectify the simple problem which that although many wonderful things happen on a regular basis, people continue to bitch and moan about how much stuff sucks.

We hate these people. They are boring and have no place in this blog, unless they are being insulted, so beware Sharona.

Which reminds me. I must certainly give much credit and acknowledgement to the esteemed Dr. Leslie M Harper, who was a brilliant inspiration to begin this online adventure. I will continue to use the same names as she does in order to avoid confusion and panic, which would undoubtedly spread around the world in a matter of minutes causing chaos and bloody murder eventually tearing a hole in space-time

Depending on who you are, we value your feedback. If you feel we have said something innappropriate or crude, feel free to type an angry e-mail and send it to We will take your comments and consider them seriously. Unless you are bitching just for the sake of bitching. Or if we don't like you. Or if you have bad grammar. Or if you're one of those people who licks their finger before they turn a page. That's really, really annoying. Please don't.

And the stage is set, the crowd rises expectantly in their seats, the fat kid in the first row drops his hot-dog in raw excitement, Jesus pops back from heaven to see what the fuss is all about then immediately shuts up and sits down.........

And the show begins.

Written by Cicero

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